Min Priority Queue Implementation with Heap Data structure
Min Priority Queue is a data structure which manage a list of keys(values). And…
September 03, 2020
Determine if a 9x9 Sudoku board is valid. Only the filled cells need to be validated according to the following rules:
Its a simple solution where we need to verify on two parts:
board inside the big 9x9
board for the unique value.
//char[][] board
for (int i=0; i<board[0].length; i++) {
boolean checkRow[] = new boolean[9];
boolean checkCol[] = new boolean[9];
for (int j=0; j<board.length; j++) {
if (board[i][j] != '.') {
//check row
if (checkRow[board[i][j] - '1']) {
return false;
else {
checkRow[board[i][j] - '1'] = true;
if (board[j][i] != '.') {
//check col
if (checkCol[board[j][i] - '1']) {
return false;
else {
checkCol[board[j][i] - '1'] = true;
See the image below for more understanding:
Lets look at the code:
//char[][] board
for (int i=0; i<board[0].length; i+=3) {
for (int j=0; j<board.length; j+=3) {
boolean check3x3[] = new boolean[9];
for (int k=i; k<i+3; k++) {
for (int l=j; l<j+3; l++) {
if (board[k][l] == '.') continue;
if (check3x3[board[k][l] - '1']) {
return false;
else {
check3x3[board[k][l] - '1'] = true;
public boolean isValidSudoku(char[][] board) {
for (int i=0; i<board[0].length; i++) {
boolean checkRow[] = new boolean[9];
boolean checkCol[] = new boolean[9];
for (int j=0; j<board.length; j++) {
if (board[i][j] != '.') {
//check row
if (checkRow[board[i][j] - '1']) {
return false;
else {
checkRow[board[i][j] - '1'] = true;
if (board[j][i] != '.') {
//check col
if (checkCol[board[j][i] - '1']) {
return false;
else {
checkCol[board[j][i] - '1'] = true;
for (int i=0; i<board[0].length; i+=3) {
for (int j=0; j<board.length; j+=3) {
boolean check3x3[] = new boolean[9];
for (int k=i; k<i+3; k++) {
for (int l=j; l<j+3; l++) {
if (board[k][l] == '.') continue;
if (check3x3[board[k][l] - '1']) {
return false;
else {
check3x3[board[k][l] - '1'] = true;
return true;
The complexity is O(mxn)
We are iterating over whole matrix 2 times. If you are confused for last loop where you can see three nested loops. We are actually iterating over matrix only once.
Runtime: 1 ms, faster than 100.00% of Java online submissions for Valid Sudoku.
Memory Usage: 39.5 MB, less than 80.98% of Java online submissions for Valid Sudoku.
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