How to generate powerful tags for your content - SEO
One of the biggest task while writing article or blog is to have right set of…
March 06, 2018
Goto your command terminal.
docker run -d --name my-mongo mongo:latest
This will expose port: 27017 by default. You can connect to this mongo db instance by installing Robo 3T, a software for managing mongo db.
docker run -d -p 8020:80 --name php-apache php:5-apache
Note: This will run a php container, but in order to be able to connect to mongo db container, you need to link this container to mongo db container.
docker run -d -p 8020:80 --link my-mongo --name php-mongo-test php:5-apache
Now, you should be able to see two container running by typing: “docker ps” command.
There are two ways:
docker ps
Open a shell/bash in that container: (assumming 9da60559db80 is my container id)
docker exec -it 9da60559db80 bash
Now, you are into the shell terminal of php container. You will need to install php-mongo dependencies.
Run following commands:
apt-get update
apt-get install openssl libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
pecl install mongo
echo "" > /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/mongo.ini
In above steps, we basically installed few dependencies required for mongo db connector, and installed mongo db php extension, and included that in php.ini list.
Note: Php container loads all ini file present in /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/ directory
Now, you need to restart your container in order to load mongo db extension.
Restart your container:
docker stop 9da60559db80
docker start 9da60559db80
To test whether you have loaded mongo db extension correctly or not. Prepare a phpfile in /var/www/html directory say info.php, and put following content:
print phpinfo();
On your browser, try: localhost:8082/info.php
You should see a big html page showing php information, and installed extensions. Search for mongo, and it should show some results.
$connection = new MongoClient( "mongodb://my-mongo:27017" );
$collection = $connection->selectCollection('db-name', 'collection-name');
if (!$collection) {
echo 'not connected to collection';
$cursor = $collection->find();
foreach ($cursor as $doc) {
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