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I have a custom content type, and there are around 2000 number of nodes in my…
December 30, 2021
Here, we will see the drupal code to fetch all the active users (not blocked) and who accessed the website within last year.
We will also convert the output to JSON and save the JSON in a file.
This can be useful if you want to fetch users who are inactive. You may want to send them an email to login, or you may want to disable their accounts due to inactivity.
//1 year seconds
$seconds = 3600 * 24 * 365;
$newtime = time() - $seconds;
$baseFolder = 'your_folder/';
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('user')
->condition('status', '1')
->condition('access', '0', '!=')
->condition('access', $newtime, '<=');
$uids = $query->execute();
foreach ($uids as $uid) {
$filename = $baseFolder.$uid.'.json';
$user = user_load($uid);
$data = \Drupal::service('serializer')->serialize($user, 'json', ['plugin_id' => 'entity']);
print('<br/>Writing to file: '.$filename);
file_put_contents($filename, $data);
If your users are a lot, you can use pagination.
//1 year seconds
$seconds = 3600 * 24 * 365;
$newtime = time() - $seconds;
$baseFolder = 'your_folder/';
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('user')
->condition('status', '1')
->condition('access', '0', '!=')
->condition('access', $newtime, '<=')
->range(0, 100);
$uids = $query->execute();
foreach ($uids as $uid) {
$filename = $baseFolder.$uid.'.json';
$user = user_load($uid);
$data = \Drupal::service('serializer')->serialize($user, 'json', ['plugin_id' => 'entity']);
print('<br/>Writing to file: '.$filename);
file_put_contents($filename, $data);
select uid, name, status, from_unixtime(created), from_unixtime(changed),
from_unixtime(access), from_unixtime(login)
from users_field_data
where status=1 and access!=0
and access >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR)
limit 1000, 10;
Earlier, I wrote about the Drupal Code to Fetch Active Users
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