How to Fetch JSON of all Videos of a Youtube Channel

September 07, 2018

Youtube APIs are great way to fetch details about video or channels. I’ve written a nodejs module for youtube api, and its documentation is available at: Gyanblog Youtube Nodejs Module.

The documentation page describe how you can use the module, fetch details about a video like:

  • thumbnails of video
  • duration
  • dimension
  • view count
  • like count
  • comment count
  • dislike count
  • all comments


There is an API available in that module: fetchAllVideosFromChannel, which will give a brief detail about each video from a channel. But, to get detailed attributes for a video, you need to call another API: getVideoDetail and getAllCommentsForVideo.

Code to Fetch all videos in detail and write in file

'use strict';
const fs = require('fs');
const async = require('async');

const youtubeService = require('youtube-api-es6').youtubeService;
const youtubeConfig = {
    key: 'Your key'

return youtubeService.init(youtubeConfig)
    .then(function() {
        const channelId = 'UCNNxPxH_zIPxvWy5QMFkruA'; //channel ID
        return youtubeService.fetchAllVideosFromChannel(channelId)
    .then(function(allVideos) {
        //get details of all videos
        return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
				    //get details about each single video in details
            async.eachLimit(allVideos, 1,
                function (video, callback) {
                    return youtubeService.getVideoDetail(
                        .then(function (videoDetail) {
                            return youtubeService.getAllCommentsForVideo(
                                .then(function(comments) {
                                    videoDetail.comments = comments;
                                    return videoDetail;
                        .then(function (videoDetail) {
                            //write in file
                            const video_filepath = 'result/' + videoDetail.items[0].id + '.json';

                            console.log('Write in file: ', video_filepath);
                            fs.writeFileSync(video_filepath, JSON.stringify(videoDetail));
                        .catch(function (err) {
                            logger.log('error', err);
                }.bind(this), function (err) {
                    if (err) {
                    } else {

Output of the code

Note: Result folder must exist in aboev example. The code will write filenames in format:

Example: RvBJ6XdFfj4.json 

Sample output for a video:

"comments": [
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          "authorDisplayName": "robert Intros",
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          "canRate": true,
          "likeCount": 1,
          "publishedAt": "2018-08-03T11:36:41.000Z",
          "textDisplay": "this is for freign countries not in india homes",
          "textOriginal": "this is for freign countries not in india homes",
          "updatedAt": "2018-08-03T11:36:41.000Z",
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          "publishedAt": "2017-07-26T00:25:40.000Z",
          "textDisplay": "Would be easier to maintain a 3D screen system projecting an aquarium. With all sorts of scenarios.",
          "textOriginal": "Would be easier to maintain a 3D screen system projecting an aquarium. With all sorts of scenarios.",
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          "publishedAt": "2016-11-19T13:00:24.000Z",
          "textDisplay": "you forgot built in fish aquarium (in the tags)",
          "textOriginal": "you forgot built in fish aquarium (in the tags)",
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"items": [
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      "duration": "PT1M10S",
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      "projection": "rectangular"
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      "channelTitle": "Plan n Design",
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      "defaultLanguage": "en-GB",
      "description": "Description of the video",
        "title": "22 Extremely Interesting Ideas to put Aquarium in Interior Spaces- Plan n Design"
      "publishedAt": "2016-08-22T06:15:01.000Z",
      "tags": [
        "Plan n Design"
      "thumbnails": {
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      "title": "22 Extremely Interesting Ideas to put Aquarium in Interior Spaces- Plan n Design"
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  "totalResults": 1

Number of files in Example

In my case, I tried to fetch planndesign youtube channel, and it fetched me 109 videos currently as of 14 December 2018.

Hope you enjoyed reading this.

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