Mac showing strange incorrect month name
Introduction to problem So, on my mac, I’ev set timezone to my local city i.e…
Introduction to problem So, on my mac, I’ev set timezone to my local city i.e…
If you are using Bootstrap, the default font that comes with the package is…
Youtube APIs are great way to fetch details about video or channels. I’ve…
Note: This is based on bootstrap-4 If you are using multi column design in your…
Bootstrap has a simple solution to have sticky blocks in your html. I’ve given a…
In previous article: Effective Git Branching Strategy, I discussed Git branching…
Its essential to prepare a git branching strategy. This helps greatly in…
Introduction to problem This post is applicable for those who has already an SSL…
While doing code review of one of junior, I encountered following code: What…
So, here we are using input variable String[] args without any validation…
The problem comes while using FTPS. When developer uses login method of this…
You can either do tail -f drupal.log or open it in an editor like vim.
Static websites have several advantages over dyanamic websites. If you are…
You have created some views, and want to port it to your production environment…
Curl is a wonderful tool for initiate REST APIs or calls. Or, you can literally…
See the code below: The output will be 4 columns separated by comma. You can…
Listing down the commonly used Elastic Search queries. You can get search…
While dealing with ELastic Search documents, you faced this issue while updating…
Many times, while administering your drupal website, you must have encountered…
I was trying to install mongo extension with pecl. It gave me error: Then, I…
hook_cron() suggests to put tasks that executes in shorter time or non-resource…